Request a Speaker

Nonprofits or Civic Groups

As part of Caregiver Mental Wellness's outreach initiative relative to caregiver issues in our communities, families, and businesses, we are dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges faced by informal caregivers and their impact on our society. Our founder and caregiver, Carolyn Dowdy, or other members of our team will address vital topics concerning caregivers, including their struggles with anxiety, stress, burnout, and work-life balance. By shining a light on the issues caregivers encounter, we aim to heighten compassion and understanding of caregivers’ challenges.

We discuss various topics on caregivers’ struggles with work-life balance, stress, anxiety, and potentially caregiver burnout. The topic depends on the audience.

In addition, the audience will gain insight into the hardships of their caregiver family members, such as elderly parents, or other relatives. This increased awareness fosters compassion and understanding within families. Sometimes, our family members outside the caregiving environment do not realize how the caregiver suffers each day. The caregiver may become stressed and depressed and develop caregiver burnout. If external family members are enlightened about the caregivers’ struggles, they may reach out to them and offer a helping hand. We encourage supportive family members to be proactive in supporting caregivers.

Finally, if our audience is caregivers, our speaking topic might be the signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout and self-help tips to manage stress, anxiety, and caregiver burnout.

If your non-profit, civic organization, church, or college is interested in booking a speaker, don't hesitate to contact us. We do not charge a speaking fee to non-profits.


We will continue to work tirelessly to bring awareness to caregivers’ struggles, which result in emotional and mental issues. Please join us! Pass our information on to other non-profits, churches, colleges, and civic organizations. We will be glad to speak with them as part of Caregiver Mental Wellness’s public-educational outreach initiative.

Let's all work together to provide caregivers with the understanding, compassion, and care they deserve.

Please find a list of speaking topics for your review below.

Speaker Topics

By understanding the struggles of caregivers working, taking care of children, and managing the daily lives of care recipients, they soon forget to take care of themselves, resulting in caregiver stress and anxiety. By seeking to understand caregivers’ situations, we cultivate compassionate supervisors and managers to manage much of our workforce, caregivers.

Caregivers often experience immense stress and burnout. We discuss real-life experiences in their lives, symptoms of caregiver burnout, techniques and activities for wellness, and what we can do to support caregivers.

Becoming a caregiver advocate can set your company apart from other organizations. We explore the challenges and benefits of change.

Transforming your business culture requires a well-thought-out approach. We will discuss why we should start cultivating change within the mindsets of our staff and management. As of 2020, 61% of the fifty-three million caregivers in the U.S. were part of the workforce.

Meditation reduces stress and improves clarity, leading to enhanced decision-making abilities. Practicing meditation fosters a sense of calm. We will discuss why many large companies have already implemented meditation practices and strategies resulting in a reduction of healthcare claims. Meditation has become mainstream.

"Speaking Engagements are Limited to a 50-Mile Radius of Charlotte, NC."

We do not charge a speaking fee to non-profits and civic organizations, as it is a part of Caregiver Mental Wellness’s caregiver awareness and educational initiative.

Please contact us to discuss your speaking request and our availability.